Overview of the Goals Course
Overview of Learning How to Set and Pursue Goals
The tools are grouped as follows:
Setting Goals
- Tool 1: Choose a Priority Goal
- Tool 2: Pursue Lofty Goals
- Tool 3: Define Verb Actions, Measurability & Specificity; Writing vs. Typing
- Tool 4: Visual Reminder Myth; “Post-It Fallacy”
- Tool 5: Accountability Myth, “Don’t Tell the World” Rule
How: Intrinsic, Measurable, Quantifiable
- Tool 6: Measurable Goal; Quarterly Cycle
- Tool 7: Quantifiable Goals; Book Writing
- Tool 8: Visualization of End; Motivation & Negative Thinking
- Tool 9: Visual Target/Finish Line Training & Perceived Effort
Distractions and Keeping Focus
- Tool 10: Distance from Phone
- Tool 11: Random, Intermittent Reinforcement; Cognitive Rewards
Pacing and Rhythm
- Tool 12: “Middle Problem”; Time Chunking
- Tool 13: Circadian Rhythm & Attention
- Tool 14: Protocol Flexibility, Subjective Feelings