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First Time Manager Course - Utah County 16-May-2024 Cohort
What it means to be a Best Boss
Live Lecture with Utah County - Session 1
The Effective Contributor - Overview
What is an Effective Contributor?
The Effective Contributor - Module 1: Goals and Motivation
Goals and Motivation
Live Lecture with Utah County - Session 2
Homework - Module 1
The Effective Contributor - Module 2: Journaling and Self Awareness
Journaling and Self-Awareness
Live Lecture with Utah County - Session 3
Homework - Module 2
The Effective Contributor - Module 3: Accountability; Time and Task Management
The Accountability Protocol
Task Management and the Mind Sweep
Live Lecture with Utah County Session 4
Homework - Module 3
The Empathic Teammate - Module 4: Developing Empathy
Developing Empathy
Live Lecture with Utah County - Session 5
The Empathic Teammate - Module 5: Constructive Conflict
Constructive Conflict
Homework - Module 5
The Empathic Teammate - Module 6: Nonviolent Communication
Nonviolent Communication
Homework - Module 6
Bonus: Nobody Makes You Mad
The Engaging Leader - Module 7: Player Lineup
Player Lineup and Staff Development
Homework - Module 7
The Engaging Leader - Module 8: Team Norms and Expectations
Team Norms and Expectations
Homework - Module 8
The Excellent Manager - Module 9: Feedback that Works
Feedback that Works
Homework - Module 9
The Excellent Manager - Module 10: Proactive Performance Management
Proactive Performance Management
Feedback that Works
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